Reuben's Story
Reuben was born in 2022 weighing a healthy 3,960g. Reuben was delivered via planned C-section at 37 weeks due to unknown cause of acceleration of growth and maternal history of pre-eclapsia and HELLP (Hemolysis, Elevated Liver Enzymes and Low Platelets) Syndrome.
At birth, the family was advised that Reuben was born with a dolichocephalic (long) head shape. At his routine 6 week follow up with his Paediatrician, it was noted that Reuben's head remained dolichocephalic in shape. Reuben had an ultrasound and CT and following these tests, the family received a diagnosis of Sagittal Craniosynostosis.
A treatment plan was developed with Reuben’s team of medical professionals.
During his initial appointment, treatment options were provided and in January 2023, Reuben had his surgery.
Before having Reuben, Mum Hayley and Dad Tim had very limited knowledge if any at all about Craniosynostosis.
“We are so grateful that Reuben was able to have a minimally invasive surgery at such a young age and be discharged home after 24 hours without complications. The care that has been provided to Reuben and us by the entire Craniofacial team has made the process less traumatic. For us, this is now just a small hiccup in Reuben's life”.
Reuben is now 8 months and thriving!
They visit the Craniofacial team at the hospital every 6 weeks and his Paediatrician every 3 months. Reuben is currently on his third helmet and the family hopes that he will no longer require it at approximately 11 months of age.
“Through this journey, it has become apparent that there is a lack of awareness, education and research around Craniosynostosis. Considering the prevalence is approximately 1 per 2500 live births, this is not rare.”
- Hayley, Mum
Address: 204 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
Postal: PO Box 1138, North Adelaide SA 5006
Phone: (08) 8267 4128
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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Many thanks,
Craniofacial Australia
P: (08) 8267 4128
Registered Charity: CCP2573 | ABN: 29 008 155 780
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