Sagittal Craniosynostosis
Huxley's Story
Introducing beautiful baby “Huxley”
“Our little bubba, Huxley has been diagnosed with Sagittal Craniosynostosis. In January 2025 he will be having surgery to fix his skull which is fused. This means our brave little boy will rock a big scar from ear to ear but he will still be perfect to us.
After lots of tears, appointments and scans we now know the road we are heading down. However, for some, the path isn’t as predictable nor easy. Children born with a craniofacial condition may need multiple surgeries from birth through to adulthood. However, financial stress due to hospital or travel and accommodation fees could mean that their family cannot access the treatment their child needs.
In lieu of this, not only are we trying to fundraise to help Craniofacial Australia and other kids just like Huxley, alongside a small team of family and friends, we will also be participating in the 6km and 12km City-Bay Fun Run from Adelaide to Glenelg, South Australia on Sunday 15th September 2024.
It only takes a minute and any money you can give (no matter how large or small) will go a long way to helping our family reach our target. The funds raised will go towards care packs. This can be an extremely stressful time for a family, and these care packs bring some comfort during this time.
Thank you,
Team Huxley”
September 2024
Huxley's Family and Friends raised over $10, 000 for Craniofacial Australia
"Team Huxley" was created by baby Huxley's Uncle Baxter while juggling Year 12. Baxter rounded up twenty of his family and friends to walk or run the Adelaide City-Bay on Sunday 15th September 2024.
Initially he set a fundraising goal of $1000, but this goal was smashed within 24 hours. He continued to fundraise amongst his family and friends and ended up reaching over $10, 000 in a few short weeks!
This included a generous donation of $1000 from the CMV Group Staff Foundation.
Thank you to the generous contributions of staff, the CMV Group Staff Foundation provided a donation towards Huxley's Dad, Tim Mallen (Service Manager, Mercedes-Benz Adelaide) for Team Huxley at the City-Bay Fun Run.
Consisting of Tim, family and friends, Team Huxley pounded the pavement at the City-Bay, collectively raising more than $10,000 in support of Craniofacial Australia.
Thank you Team Huxley!
Below are photos of "Team Huxley" from the Adelaide City-Bay Fun Run Fundraiser.
Thank you to Huxley's Family for sharing
his story.
donate today to help others, just like cute Huxley. Thank you.
Address: 204 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
Postal: PO Box 1138, North Adelaide SA 5006
Phone: (08) 8267 4128
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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Welcome to the Craniofacial Australia family. We are thrilled to have you join this incredible craniofacial community of ours. At the centre are our families affected by a wide range craniofacial conditions, but an equally important part are our amazing donors, supporters, volunteers, researchers and medical professionals. Thank you for joining our community.
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If you have any questions about our work or want to find out how you can get involved further, please do not hesitate to contact us direct.
Many thanks,
Craniofacial Australia
P: (08) 8267 4128
Registered Charity: CCP2573 | ABN: 29 008 155 780
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