Cleft Lip Palate

Robby's Story

Robby's incredible story in her own words.

I was 6 years old when I first came to Australia from Pakistan where I was born. However, I was born with a birth defect called 'Cleft Lip Palate', 1 year later my father came to Australia by boat. He was a refugee and was finding it really hard to find a proper job (as he was uneducated) and to also support us back in Pakistan. 

Around one in 800 babies are born with a cleft in Australia.

For a cleft lip palate, the surgeries are better to be done in the first few months of the baby’s life and is recommended within the first 12 months of the baby’s life.

Sadly, when they repaired my cleft lip, it was opened twice. My poor mother had to control me as baby to not cry or laugh otherwise the cleft lip stitches would open and that’s exactly what happened.

Also, as my father was in Australia and my mother was in Pakistan alone, my parents were financially not doing so well. Which is the reason why my surgeries got delayed and unfinished. 

Babies born with born with a cleft lip and palate experience complications that include trouble breathing, difficulty eating and psychological trauma.

Luckily, my father sponsored us to come to Australia and in Australia I was and am till this day very blessed. I am blessed because I have got most of my surgeries done with the best doctors and orthodontist since I was a little girl. Yet, the real heroes who were behind the scenes was Craniofacial Australia. I want to thank you Craniofacial Australia so much for being there for me and supporting me throughout this crazy journey.

For over 30 years Craniofacial Australia has been helping patients and families emotionally and financially through some of their toughest times.

Now I am 21 years old and I have only one surgery left which is my lip and nose lift which I am so keen and excited for because I would look like a normal person again. Hopefully, my insecurities will be vanished for the rest of my life because being born with a cleft lip palate has so many challenges, tears, bullying, pain and courage. I would never wish it upon anyone. Yet, it has made me the strongest person ever and I am proud to be a cleftie.

Thank you to Robby for sharing

her story.

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