Craniosynostosis Sagittal
Milan's Story
Milan’s craniosynostosis journey was a long road with many medical professionals, opinions and finally answers and relief! It all started in September of 2019 in the delivery room. Within an hour of his birth one of the midwives approached me and suggested I visit an Osteopath, explain the birth to them and have a good feel of his head.
I had the gut feeling that every mum knows and feels deep to her core when something is slightly amiss with their child.
We finally found local help who was willing to listen to me and the concerns I had for Milan. He wrote a referral to see a specialist at our nearest craniofacial clinic. By this time it was a few days before Christmas and my concerns for Milan increased as he grew and the shape of his head looked less and less like other children’s.
After meeting with the specialists my husband and I were told almost instantly Milan presented with a classic case of sagittal craniosynostosis and would require surgery to allow his brain room to grow. With not so much as two weeks’ notice over the Christmas break I was able to secure an appointment to meet Dr Grave.
The second my husband, Milan and I left that appointment I felt like someone understood my fears as a parent and could not only confidently provide the medical solutions we needed, but would also show caring and kindness toward our beautiful Milan too.
Three weeks before our scheduled surgery date a massive curveball by the name of COVID come our way. After pleading our case with the hospital we were finally given the green light for Milan to have his procedure in June.
We arrived at day surgery admission with our suitcase packed, ready for the next four nights. We did all the standard checks with the nurses, changed him into his gown and waited.
As soon as the theatre nurses called his name, Milan and I proceeded to the theatre where I got to hold him to sleep. As his parent, this was one of the toughest things I’ve ever had to do, but the faith and trust I have in the team looking after Milan never led me to question if he would be OK or not.
Then we waited…
Four or five hours later his surgeons came out and assured us everything went perfectly and we could go in and see him. Watching Milan recover day by day and return to meeting all his milestones has filled me with so much joy. He was so quickly back to his bubbly self and ready to climb on and get into everything all over again!
I am so thankful that we chose Dr Grave and Dr Abou-Hamden to care for our son.
Craniofacial Australia’s support has been a saving grace for our family through what was already a very tough time.
Words do not exist to express my gratitude to them for everything they do.
Thank you to Milan's Family for sharing
his story.
donate today to help others, just like sweet Milan. Thank you.
Address: 204 Melbourne Street
North Adelaide SA 5006
Postal: PO Box 1138, North Adelaide SA 5006
Phone: (08) 8267 4128
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm
Saturday - Sunday: Closed
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Craniofacial Australia
P: (08) 8267 4128
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